Lifting: some great advice from Louis Gifford

I hope it’s not only me that reads Aches and Pains by Louis Gifford and thinks “What have I been doing with my life?”.  Yes it’s humbling, but I console myself with the thought that we all have our own paths in life, and part of his was clearly to write the classic, seminal text…

Book Review: Bad Science by Ben Goldacre

  Ben Goldacre is a physicist and science writer.  Along with Richard Dawkins and Simon Singh, he is a high profile advocate of rigorous scientific method, and is furiously exasperated at the dumbing down of science. This book is his attempt to educate the reader to look critically at science. He begins by conducting some…

Aches and Pains by Louis Gifford: Book Review

Guest spot this week:  Mark Andrews of Kemptown Osteopathy in Brighton has kindly allowed me to use the full version of his review of Aches and Pains (an edited version appearing in the latest “the osteopath” magazine).  He did in fact put me on to this book, written by a late, great physio called Louis…

What to tell children about drugs

You might have noticed that even though this is ostensibly an osteopathy blog, I venture off-piste quite regularly.  This is partly as there is a wealth of innovation and research going on in related fields, which I think osteopaths should be aware of, but also as we have a marvellous opportunity to educate our patients. Not…

theosteopath June/July2015, digested for you

Too busy to read through the whole magazine looking for the juicy bits?  Not me.  Nothing speeds up a train journey like the latest edition of GOsC’s official organ.  You might not have the same luxury of a free hour to peruse the classifieds and read lengthy articles about ASA compliance before you pull into…